
This is an outline about my research and teaching etc.

Real Analysis

Real Analysis



Research Papers

Research Papers

Deep Learning

Deep Learning


Big Data

Data SetDomainDimensionalityTraining SetTest Set
SVHNVersion3027(32X32 color)600K26K
CIFAR-10/100Version3027(32x32 color)60K10K
ImageNet(ILSVRC-2012)Version65536(256x256 color)1.2M150K
TIMITSpeech2520(120-dim,21frames)1.1 frames58K frames
Alternative SplicingGenetics10142932733
  • MNIST: A standard toy data set of handwritten digits.

  • SVHN: A standard speech benchmark for clean speech recognition.

  • CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100: Tiny natural images (Krizhevsky, 2009).

  • SVHN: Street View House Numbers, Images for house numbers collected by Google Street View.

  • ImageNet: A large collection of natural images.

  • Reuters-RCV1: A collection of Reuters newswire articles.

  • Alternative Splicing data set: RNA features for predicting alternative gene splicing (Xiong et al., 2011).

For more information

More info about configuring academicpages can be found in the guide. The guides for the Minimal Mistakes theme (which this theme was forked from) might also be helpful.


This is the front page of a website that is powered by the academicpages template and hosted on GitHub pages. GitHub pages is a free service in which websites are built and hosted from code and data stored in a GitHub repository, automatically updating when a new commit is made to the respository. This template was forked from the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme created by Michael Rose, and then extended to support the kinds of content that academics have: publications, talks, teaching, a portfolio, blog posts, and a dynamically-generated CV. You can fork this repository right now, modify the configuration and markdown files, add your own PDFs and other content, and have your own site for free, with no ads! An older version of this template powers my own personal website at stuartgeiger.com, which uses this Github repository.